Custom Dialogue Edge condition

Custom dialogue edges can be made to control the flow of the dialogue.

public class MyEdgeCondition : IEdgeCondition
    public bool CanViewEndNode(Dialogue dialogue)
        // Can the end node be viewed by the player?
        // When true is returned a player decision or reference to this node will be visible.
        // When false is returned a player decision or reference to this node will NOT be visible.

        // Optionally you can use: return CanUse(dialogue); to only show the edge when it can be used.
        return false;

    public bool CanUse(Dialogue dialogue)
        // Here you could check if your player has an item, is the right level etc.
        return false;

    public ValidationInfo Validate(Dialogue dialogue)
        return new ValidationInfo(ValidationType.Valid);

    public string FormattedString()
        // The string shown in the node editor.
        return "Fake condition";