Custom Dialogue Nodes

The dialogue system is very dynamic, and because of this you can create your own nodes (and editors).

public class MyNodeType : ActionNodeBase
    public int myInt = 3;

    public override void OnExecute(IDialogueOwner dialogueOwner​)
        // Called when the node is executed.
        Finish(false); // Call finish when the node is finished, otherwise the dialogue won't continue to the next node.

    public override NodeBase GetNextNode()
        // Return the next node (using the edge we wish to use).
        return base.GetNextNode();

    public override void OnExit()
        // Called when the node is exited (useful for resource cleanup).

    public override OnDialogueExit()
        // Called on ALL nodes when the dialogue (owner) has been closed.

    public override ValidationInfo Validate()
        // Validate the state of the node.
        return new ValidationInfo(ValidationType.Error, "Wah! Something is wrong.");


When referencing an asset, for example, a custom ScriptableObject type, use Asset instead.

Useful attributes:

[ShowInNode] can be used to show a field inside the node. If the attribute is not added it will only be shown in the sidebar.

[Required] the field is required and can not be empty. Strings can't be emtpy and objects have to be assigned.

[HideGroup] hides the grouping. Useful for arrays when you don't want to show the unfolding (Grouping).

Custom node editors

[CustomNodeEditor(typeof(MyNodeType))] // Set which node this editor belongs to.
public class MyNodeTypeEditor : DefaultNodeEditor // You must inherit from NodeEditorBase or any existing editor that inherits from it (such as DefaultNodeEditor)
    public override void Draw(bool drawContents)

        // Draw specific node things
        // this.node is the node. You can cast this.node to your own type.


        if (drawContents)