Quest System Pro Getting Started

Once you've imported Quest System Pro into your project a new menu item will show up in your main menu bar. Tools / Quest System Pro / *

1. Creating the managers

To initialize Quest System Pro you need to add the managers to your scene.

First, create a new object (name doesn't matter) and attach the following components to it:

  • AudioManager
  • GeneralSettingsManager
  • PlayerManager
  • InputManager
  • TriggerManager
  • LocalizationManager
  • QuestManager
  • DialogueManager

These managers initialize the quest system and handle all events and so on.

2. Setting the databases

Next, you'll need to add the databases to the QuestManager. There are 3 databases

  • LanguageDatabase: Handles all language related things like messages that can be displayed to the user.
  • SettingsDatabase: Contains all settings for your project including UI prefabs used in the UI.
  • QuestDatabase: Contains all quests and achievements.

When you've added the QuestManager you'll see a new button at the bottom of the inspector "Generate and link databases". When you click this a folder selection window will show up. Once you've selected a location to save the new databases they'll auto. be generated and added to your managers object. By default there are already databases available you can re-use. You can find these in the QuestSystemPro / Demos / Files / Databases folder.

2.1 Genearl settings database

Create a General settings database in your assets directory through Create/Devdog/General Settings and link it to your GeneralSettingsManager.

3. Setting up the player

Assign the Player and QuestSystemPlayer components to your character objects. If you're not using a player in your game (a puzzle game for example), just add the PlayerComponent to an empty object and ignore the range on all triggers.

4. Start creating quests

All done, you can now create quests and add them to your project. Remember that every scene that uses quests or dialogues needs to have the managers in that scene (you can use DontDestroyOnLoad).

5. Player & Triggers

Triggers are used to create objects in the world that can trigger a window or action. In Quest System Pro these triggers are used to start quests at NPC's, dialogues and more.

The triggers require 2 things to work, the actual trigger, and the player to calculate the distance to the trigger. More about triggers here.


The main camera requires a PhysicsRaycaster with the "Ignore Raycasts" layer disabled for trigger clicks to get detected.

6. Demo UI

To display UI you have to add a canvas (DialogueUI for dialogues and QuestUI for quests). There's default prefabs that you can use under Assets/Devdog/QuestSystemPro/Designs/RPGStyle/WindowPrefabs

Make sure your windows are inside a canvas. If you do not already have a canvas create one in your scene by going to Create / UI / Canvas; Then place the prefabs inside this newly created canvas object.